Tennis events for Term 3 2024

SJTT (Sydney Junior Team Tennis)

SJTT provides junior players in Metro Sydney with weekly level based competition. Players represent their club in level based competition. Players represent their club in evel based competition. Players represent their club in the team based competition whereby players are graded on their UTR rating.

Link below:

Primary School Challenge

The Primary School challenge (PSC) is the perfect entry-level event for children wanting to start to play competitive tennis in a fun environment, with their friends. We have a number of schools participating and more joining each year. Players are encouraged to find a partner from their school. Please contact us if you are having difficulties finding a partner.

Entries deadline- 21st August

Event date- 7th September

TA events Term 3/2024- JDS (Junior Development Series)


TA events Term 3/2024- J125(Junior Series)


Keeping fresh strings


Why should you change your Overgrip regularly?