Group lessons or private lessons? Definitely both!!
While group sessions may be favoured by kids and met with some skepticism from parents due to playful tendencies, the reality is that group sessions offer numerous advantages for a young player’s development. A key benefit lies in providing players with a training load and opportunities to apply what they’ve learned with their private coach in a real context.
Notably, when it comes to training load, increasing court time is crucial for continual improvement. Relying solely on private lessons may risk a child becoming overly dependent on the coach, hindering their ability to make independent decisions. Moreover, group sessions often prove to be more engaging for kids.
Additional benefits include fostering social development and sportsmanship. Group sessions expose players to various teammates and scenarios, contributing to a well-rounded experience.
In conclusion, finding the right balance between private and group sessions is essential. It is vital to cater to the child’s needs, ensuring not only the development of their skill as a player but also nurturing their engagement and passion for the sport.
Tennis coaching in Roseville. For more info, get in touch!!